Friday, February 19, 2010

Day three

It's a good thing I've been busy.
It makes life without Facebook a lot easier.
The worst times are when I'm waiting or don't have something that needs to be done. It's a great waste of time, Facebook. but on the other hand I really miss my friends. I don't live in a suburban neighborhood. sometimes it feels very isolated. Plus, right now I'm driving a lot, so I'm in the car several hours a day sometimes. The connection to others that my Facebook account provides is really important.
It's starting to feel a little bit like spring. More birds are singing in the morning. Sometimes the sun coming through the window gets uncomfortably warm. And, even more than before, I'm feeling like it's time for new beginnings. It's time to rekindle my housecleaning/clutter removal plans. It's just time for me.
I went shopping today. Not something I do very often. (Facebook, I'll point out is much cheaper) I just picked up a few things -- mostly groceries--but I wasn't in a hurry today, so it was nice.
More importantly, I ignored my long "to do" list and opted for spending time with one of my sisters. While we talk often, I rarely have time alone with just her. We didn't do anything earth shattering. She helped me shop for grocery items for my daughter's school (I'm working on the new hot lunch program) we had a sushi for lunch.
It was face to face contact. Warm. Intimate. Long over due.
I can go all day, sometimes, enjoying great digital conversations, but never really talking to anybody outside my home in person.
Sometimes, it's lonely. At other times, I'll admit, it's a welcome peace.
But the time I can spend with family and friends and not only converse, but exchange glances and observe body language, is valuable time that cannot be replaced.
I had a lovely day. It was relaxing and comfortable.
Sure, my to do list is stretching out by the moment -- but it will be there tomorrow.
Sharing sushi with my sister -- that's a moment I can't replace!


  1. Hi Karma,
    I've been behind on reading your blog, so just played catch-up. Once again, you've touched something inside of me. I have felt guilty about not going to church, yet I don't want to go back to my old church, this crept up on me when my boys came home with ashes on their heads last Wednesday. Fasting? I haven't fasted since my doctor last made me fast before having a blood draw. No meat on Fridays....yea, haven't done that since I lived with my parents. I have been depressed and have felt like an enormous failure lately. I've become physically larger than I've ever been before, heck I wasn't even this heavy when I was pregnant with twins. I've started smoking again, not many cigarettes, but still, one is too many. I haven't exercised for about 10 months. I had to have that WII Fit last year, used it for a while and then found every reason to stay away from it. How do you do it? How do you get yourself motivated? If I could get away with it, I would be a stay at home mom/wife. I could then sew, scrapbook, paint...etc... whenever I wanted to during the day and still get some housework done. As it is now, my house is a mess, I haven't cooked a decent meal in ages (Greg's been cooking), and I also have a large to do list that just keeps growing, especially with needing to help the boys prepare for college. UGH, I don't know the first thing about that since I didn't go to college.
    Well, enough complaining....I look forward to reading more of your blog entries.

  2. Kel--
    Thanks for sharing such a deep and personal story. I will contact you via e-mail for a response.
