Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The 10 a.m. Ash Wednesday update

Clearly, this is going to be harder than I thought.
It's 10 a.m.
My mind keeps returning to my beloved Facebook. I've thought of at least 10 witty posts.
Five questions to ask Facebook friends.
You know it's an issue when you're frustrated you can't e-mail the manager of the local Subway chain to request a lunch order.
The answer is remarkable simple. You call the store and place the order over the phone.
Who knew?
As for the fasting. On days that are not Ash Wednesday I can make it 'till 11 or noon with little to nothing in my stomach.
I'm sure at 10 a.m. I will never make to 10:05 without giving in and raiding the fridge.
The other things I've noticed is that e-mail is suddenly far more interesting.
Usually, in my Facebook life, I quickly read over e-mail and rarely read jokes or "forwards". Not today.
I've read two rather fun, but long forwards.
I've analyzed each e-mail careful not to miss a thing.
Web sites I never had time to peruse before are magically very interesting. I caught myself surfing today. I've always wanted to check it out, but never taken the time.
This morning, it was ok.
This addiction is ridiculous.
More later....

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